Parking | JACK Entertainment

JACK Cleveland Casino Plenty of spaces, no hassle. Just park and play.

Monthly Parking Pass

JACK North Garage

$250 Per Month  |  Monday – Friday

Enter before 10am and Exit by 6pm

If interested please contact Jason at

Bus Groups

JACK Cleveland Casino welcomes bus groups year-round!
Book your trip now for an exciting adventure in Downtown Cleveland.

Bring your group of 30 or more passengers and receive Free Play!


Individuals in your bus group must be over the age of 21 years old.

Government-Issued Photo ID

Must present a valid Government-issued photo ID.

Group Size

Bus groups must maintain 30 individuals in order to receive casino incentive.

Minimum Stay

Must have a minimum casino stay of 4 hours to receive Free Play


Individuals must sign up for a clubJACK card to receive free slot play. In order to sign up a valid government issued photo ID and email address must be provided.

Advanced reservations, bus operator services agreements, and insurance requirements are required for all bus tour groups.

We require 5 business days’ notice of the trip, and group manifest must be returned to the casino within 3 business days from the groups’ scheduled arrival date. Also, walk-ins are not eligible to receive a group bonus.


Request a Proposal

Please fill out the form below and a member of our marketing department will contact you to schedule your visit.

If you have further questions, please call 216-297-4791.

Bus Group

Form to request a bus for large parties to visit JACK Entertainment facilities.

"*" indicates required fields

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Arrival Time*
Departure Time*

Please note: this is not a confirmation letter. Only groups that receive a confirmation letter are eligible for a group bonus.